Saturday, July 30, 2011

Cupcakes Galore

Hello All - These photos are taken from a group of cupcakes that I did for a sweet treats party. The host was having a cake walk for the kids as one of the games and she wanted each child to be able to choose a cupcake when they won. Catch was she wanted 24 different designs so here are a few of them. I loved how they turned out!

Wednesday, July 20, 2011

Cake Pictures

Here are a few of the cake pictures that I have done but had forgotten to post. July continues to be a busy month!

Saturday, February 5, 2011


This was a lot of fun to do this weekend. I used a heart shape pan for the top wings and an oval pan for the bottom wings. I cut both cakes in half to make the shape and then stacked another layer on top. I sure hope Emma was able to enjoy it. Right before delivering the cake I got a call from Emma's mom saying that she had fallen down the stairs and busted her head open enough to need stitches so they wouldn't be there when I dropped it off! Their first emergency room visit and her party was at 1pm!

I scream, you scream, we all scream for ice cream!

This was for Landry who was having an ice cream party! Her mom had seen this cake online and so I used the picture as a guide. It was so fun but the directions online said that you could cut the sugar cones in half and then just press them into the side of the cake. Yeah, right! Needless to say, cutting sugar cones in half is not easy and I was one sugar cone away from having to go back and purchase another box!

Star Wars

This was my first time doing a cake fully covered in fondant. It was lots of work as rolling out fondant on your own can give your arms a workout! Those cake shows make it look easy because they have machines that do it for them! Maybe someday when I make it big time! :) Lots of fun and I was very happy with how it turned out! May the force be with you!