Thursday, November 19, 2009

These were done for a personal shower for Meredith Smith. She is a friend of mine and I'm so happy that she has found the love of her life! I'm also doing her reception when she arrives back home from a destination wedding at Disney! I'm doing a Georgia cake for the groom and then a cupcake tower with small tiered cake on top for the bride. This will be my first wedding reception and I appreciate the Smith's using me for this!

Pumpkin and Spiders

This was for a Halloween birthday party for a friend of Will and Emma's. I used two bowls to make the pumpkin and the stem is a small cup of Emma's that I covered in icing. The cupcakes were too cute. You take black licorice laces and cut them into small pieces and insert into the icing spider body. The pumpkin sliced great for the party - I wondered how it would!

Lego Cookies

Lego Cookies were ordered by Jen - 3rd order in a few months. :) Her son is an avid fan and wanted something a bit unique to take to his class. I loved how they turned out. Jennifer bought cool stickers to go on these as well and she ordered a small lego cake to go with it! I have another Lego order now for Dec. 2nd!

Twin Cakes

This was done for a neighbor who has twin boys. She said that she wanted the cakes the same because they are in that stage where they want exactly what the other one has! I remember that well. We used to buy two of the same thing but in different colors - without fail each of them would want the color the other had. We started buying identical things and told people to do the same. Thankfully they are past this stage and Emma's not wanting Will's sword or Will's not wanting to dress up in princess clothes! HA!

Monday, November 16, 2009

Think Chess!

This is a cake that I made for a son of a former colleague of mine. Thanks Jennifer for the order! Kieran is an avid chess player and so we did a small smash cake for the family to have and then 5 dozen cookies for his class and his chess club team! I can't take credit for the cute stickers that Jen ordered to put on them! What a great touch!